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Q: What planet is our solar system has the most satellites?
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Which planet in the solar system has the most satellites?

Jupiter, with 63 satellites.

Which planet has the most natural satellites?

With 160 moons, Saturn is the planet with the most moon in solar system

What planet has with the most neutral satellites?

You probably mean to ask about natural satellites as opposed to artificial satellites. In terms of neutrality, all satellites are neutral. In any event, the planet Jupiter has the most natural satellites, of any planet in our solar system. The planet Earth has the most artificial satellites.

Which planet in solar system has the largest number of sattilite?

Jupiter has the most moons, whereas Saturn has the most satellites

Which planet in solar system has lots of moons?

The planet Jupiter, which is the largest planet in the solar system, also has the most moons (which is logical, because the large size of Jupiter means that it also has the strongest gravitational field, and can therefore attract satellites more strongly). All of the four gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) have lots of satellites. The inner planets have fewer satellites.

Which object in the solar system has the most satellites?

The sun.

Do most satellites in the outer solar system have perfect smooth surfaces?

No. No object in the solar system has a perfectly smooth surface. These satellites have craters, mountains, and valleys.

Which planet is heaviest in the solar system?

Jupiter is the biggest and heaviest planet.

What is the most humid planet in the solar system?

In the Solar System the answer is Earth since it is the only planet that has water.

What planet has thousands of rings and most satellites?

Saturn is a planet with thousands of rings. There are three other planets in the solar system with rings, which are Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus.

What is the most dense planet in the solar system?

The Earth is the most dense planet in our solar system out of all eight planets.

What is the planet with the most moons?

The planet with the most moons in our solar system is Jupiter.