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Q: What planet make one compete trip around the sun in the shortest amount of time?
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Which planet has the shortest year revolution around the sun?

Since Mercury is the closest planet, it travels around the sun in the shortest amount of time. A year on Mercury equals 88 days.

Which planet revovles around the sun in the shortest amount of time?

Mercury. It takes only 88 Earth days to orbit the sun.

What planet orbits the shortest around the sun?


This planet is the shortest orbit around the sun?


What planet would take the shortest time to travel around?

the first planet mercury

What is the smallest planet and has the shortest period of revolution around the sun?

it is Mercury

What planet has the shortest period of revolutionary period around the sun?

The answer is Mercury.

What innner planet has the shortest year?

What inner planet has the shortest year

Does the planet with the shortest revolution have the shortest rotation?

No, the planet with the shortest revolution does not necessarily have the shortest rotation. Revolution refers to the time it takes for a planet to complete one orbit around the sun, while rotation refers to the time it takes for a planet to complete one full spin on its axis. These two periods can be different for each planet.

How long does it take for Mercury the planet rotate around the sun?

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun thus Mercury has the shortest orbit duration. It takes the planet Mercury 88 days to rotate around the sun.

Which planet ravolves fastest around the sun?

Mercury...cos it's closest therefore has the shortest orbit

What planet takes shortest amount of time to orbit the sun?

Of the known planets in the solar system, Mercury, being nearest to the sun, completes its orbit in the shortest time . . . 88 earth days.