

What planets have a mass smaller than earth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Mercury, Venus, Mars

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Q: What planets have a mass smaller than earth?
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How many planets has mass that is greater than the mass of earth?

Four planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, have mass greater than that of the Earth.

What percent of the planets are smaller than the earth not including Pluto?

3 of the 8 planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) are smaller than Earth.

What percent of the planets are bigger than Earth?

There are 8 planets Mercury (smaller than Earth) Venus (smaller than Earth) Earth Mars (smaller than Earth) Jupiter (bigger than Earth) Saturn (bigger than Earth) Uranus (bigger than Earth) Neptune (bigger than Earth) so 3 smaller & 4 bigger than Earth 37.5% smaller than Earth 50% bigger than Earth

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There are 8 planets Mercury (smaller than Earth) Venus (smaller than Earth) Earth Mars (smaller than Earth) Jupiter (bigger than Earth) Saturn (bigger than Earth) Uranus (bigger than Earth) Neptune (bigger than Earth) so 3 smaller & 4 bigger than Earth 37.5% smaller than Earth 50% bigger than Earth

Is earth larger or smaller than all the other planets?

Of the seven other planets that orbit the sun, three are smaller than Earth and four are larger.

What are the four planets larger than the earth and what are the smaller planets then the earth?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are much larger than earth. Venus (slightly), Mars (by half) and Mercury are smaller than earth.

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Most of the known extrasolar planets are more massive than Earth because massive planets are easier to detect. We have detected planets smaller than Earth.

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Like all dwarf planets, Haumea is significantly smaller than Earth.

What planets have more mass than earth?

Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and all have more mass than Earth.

What type of planet is a super Earth?

A super Earth planet is an extasolar planet. This means the mass is more than the Earths but less than the smaller planets. Another term for it is gas dwarf.

How many planets are smaller than Venus?

The planets that are smaller than Venus are: Jupiter, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn. Pluto is no longer on the list

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The planets that have less mass than Earth are Mercury, Mars and Venus. The planets that have a lower average density than Earth are all of them; Earth is the most dense planet in our solar system.