

What plant can poop?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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The boobie pklant poops all day evdery day

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Q: What plant can poop?
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How does poop affect plant growth?

That depends on the composition of the "poop". Poop from ruminant animals could be quite beneficial to plants. -Poop from most humans will not be so good.

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Earthworm's poop or dung is like a super fertilizer.

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It depends on were you live, but it usually goes to the sewage treatment plant.

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If they know what dinosaur the poop belonged to, looking at the poop would tell them what the dinosaur ate. This is because the poop would contain bits of undigested material, such as plant fibers or bone fragments, which would allow them to identify the food source.

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No if you want the new plant to grow. Why not? Because the previous plant used up the energy from the soil and left a sort of poop from the old water that you sprinkled on it...

Which is better to grow a plant cow poop or horse poop or regular fertilizer?

Neither. You need soil first and foremost to grow a plant in. Only a small amount of manure or fertilizer is needed to grow a plant. Any of those mentioned are good for growing plants in, it's just a matter of what's more available.

To cause the remains of animal or plant life to decay?

In the SSW #20 the answer to #3 down is decompose

Can poop fossilize?

Yes, feces can be fossilized. That is called coprolite.

16 Explain how biomass energy depends on the sun?

Sun sends sunshine to earth. Sunshine helps plant grow. Plants feed animals. Plant die and decay, Animals poop, poop decays, animals die and decay. All that decayed stuff makes biomass.

Can rats poop?

In my experience rats will not eat their own poop. They do however tend to pick it up with their mouth and move it to different locations. Kind of a cleaning ritual. If its in their way they will move it.