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Sun sends sunshine to earth. Sunshine helps plant grow. Plants feed animals. Plant die and decay, Animals poop, poop decays, animals die and decay. All that decayed stuff makes biomass.

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Q: 16 Explain how biomass energy depends on the sun?
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Is biomass energy affected by the sun?

Yes, the energy contained in biomass is that gleaned from the Sun by living things.

Is biomass energy source affected by the sun?

Yes, the energy contained in biomass is that gleaned from the Sun by living things.

Does biomass get its energy from the sun?


What is the difference between solar energy and biomass energy?

solar energy uses the sun and biomass uses waste to make energy

What is the ultimate source of energy of biomass?

The sun. Biomass could not have grown without sunlight.

How does the sun get into biomass?

Energy gets into biomass when planets use sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar.

How biomass and alcohol production related to energy from the sun?

It's not related?

What forms of energy does biomass use?

Biomass means plant growth of various sorts, all plants use solar energy to grow through photosynthesis, and chemicals in the soil or applied as fertiliser. Biomass provides thermal energy, when it is used ie burned

Why do you use biomass?

we use biomass to create electricity or power that is renewable. examples of renewable energy resources are wind ,solar power,biomass,sun and lots more.

An insect eats a leaf Explain why the insect depends on the sun for energy?

for the fullfill ment of vitamin d and to complete their life cycle .

How is sun the ultimate source of energy for coal and biomass?

Sunlight fed the plants that produced the material that became both coal & biomass fuels.

How are biomass and alcohol production related to energy from the Sun?

Both biomass, and the food stock that is fermented to make alcohol require sunlight to grow.