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Sunlight fed the plants that produced the material that became both coal & biomass fuels.

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Q: How is sun the ultimate source of energy for coal and biomass?
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What is the ultimate source of energy in coal oil and wood?


Which one is not conventional source of energy?

Any energy source that is obtained from animal or plant matter, excluding fossilised material, is considered biomass energy. So, anything that's not that, including oil, coal, gas, and nuclear energy.

Is coal biomass?

It is a biomass becauseit is burned for energy.

What is the original source of energy for energy recourse such as wind wood oil and coal?

The Sun is the ultimate source of all energy on earth.

Where biomass gets it energy from?

biomass gets it's energy when something had burned or died,for example if a tiger dies the energy is from the tiger and if something has burnt like coal then the energy is inside the coal

What energy source that is the origin of most other energy sources?

Nuclear energy and morePresleyfusion nuclear energy that isresponsiblyof sun heat and solar radiation.

Is coal a source of energy?

Yes,coal is a source of energy................

What other source of energy can you use instead of hydroelectricity?

Electicity from coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, biomass, wind, solar, tidal sources.

How sun is ultimate source of energy source for coal?

We are pretty sure that coal formed from layers of plant matter accumulating at the bottom of a body of water, then being deeply buried under sediment and rock and eventually compressed and transformed by the heat and pressure into coal. The plants that eventually became coal derived their energy from the sun while they were living - just as plants do now - so the sun is the original source of the energy you get from coal.

How much more electricity does biomass energy generate than coal?

I am pretty sure that LESS electricity is generated with biomass, meaning that its use is not as common as coal.

Is coal the cleanest nonrenewable energy source?

Coal is the dirties nonrenewable energy source

What energy sources make up majority of the worlds energy supply?

oil and coal