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Q: What plant group is characterized by dominant sporophyte vascular tissues and seeds exposed on cones?
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What kind of plants are under the division of gynosperm's?

Gymnosperms are vascular plants that bear seeds without enclosing them in fruits. Some examples include conifers (like pine, spruce, and fir trees), cycads, ginkgo, and gnetophytes. These plants are characterized by their exposed seeds typically found on cones or similar structures.

Defective alleles are eliminated rapidly from population if they are?

deleterious and affect an individual's fitness negatively, resulting in reduced ability to survive and reproduce. This leads to natural selection against the defective alleles, causing them to be eliminated from the population more rapidly.

What are the four major types of plants Description of general physical features and characteristics of each plant group Discussion of living conditions where each plant group survives best?

Mosses: Small, non-vascular plants with simple leaves and stems. They thrive in damp, shady areas like forests and wetlands. Ferns: Vascular plants with fronds and spores for reproduction. They prefer moist, shady environments such as forests and stream banks. Gymnosperms: Seed-producing plants with exposed seeds (cones). They do well in cool climates like coniferous forests and mountainous regions. Angiosperms: Flowering plants with enclosed seeds. They are diverse and can thrive in various conditions, from deserts to rainforests, depending on the species.

What molecule was produced by the elodea while it was exposed to light?


What mineral is needed for the active site on actin to be exposed?


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what happens when they are exposed to water