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Q: What molecule was produced by the elodea while it was exposed to light?
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Vitamin D production begins when a precursor molecule is exposed to ultraviolet light in the skin.

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Which high-energy molecule and electron carrier are produced by the light reaction of photosynthesis?

NADPH and ATP are produced by the light reactions. The ATP is a high energy molecule produced by photophosphorylation while the NADPH is produced at the end of the electron transport chain.

Do elodea float on water?

Elodea floats on water because it is light.

What happens when a chlorophyll a molecule produce light reaction?

Light reaction is not produced by chlorophyll .

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What happened when you placed Elodea at the light compensation point?

Since the light compensation point occurs when the oxygen produced by photosynthesis is equal to the oxygen required for cellular respiration, oxygen will have a slope of 0.

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Does elodea respire in the dark or the light?

Elodea respires in both the light and the dark. However, the rate of repiration exceeds the rate of photosynthesis when the plants are kept in the dark.

ATP and what other molecule are produced in produced in the second stage of photosynthesis?

ATP and NADPH are produced during photosystems I and II of the light phase of photosynthesis.

What colour is produced if green plants are exposed to red light?

Chlorophyll is green and nothing will ever change that