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Q: What plant has a moon name Triton?
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What is plutos most interesting moon?

Pluto's most interesting moon is known as Charon. The moon is so big which makes Pluto to be referred as a dwarf planet.

Is Triton a moon of Uranus?

Yes, Uranus has a moon called Triton

A planet with a moon called triton?

Triton is the largest moon of Neptune.

Name the coldest moon in solar system?

Neptune's moon Triton has the lowest recorded temperature of any moon.

What plaNet is Triton on?

Triton is a moon of the planet Jupiter.

Where is tritan moon which planet?

The name of the moon in this question could be a misspelling of either "Triton," the largest moon of Neptune, or of "Titan," the largest moon of Saturn.

Is Triton a terrestrial planet?

No. Triton is an icy moon, not a planet.

Which moon is neptunes largest?

It's called Triton.

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