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Q: What plant part uses only one parent to reproduce?
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How can the farmer reproduce the exact same characteristics in future trees?

Use plant striking, a type of asexual reproduction in which a part of the parent plant is removed and planted to produce a new plant.

What part of a plant helps to reproduce?

The pistil and stamen help the plant reproduce.

Why does a plant reproduce?

The plants don´t need to reproduce, sometimes it´s just because of the wind or the animals that take the reproductive part from the plant (pistil) to another plant.

Garlic and lady's finger reproduce by the same plant part?

Erm, no.

Can dandelions reproduce?

The seed bearing part of the plant is distributed by wind currents

What is the part begonia plants grow from their parent plant?


Why does an organism bother to reproduce?

It's part of the life cycle to continue the parent's "legacy" and their genetic material.

What is the main source of food?

The main source of food are plants. They reproduce by the union of the egg cell and sperm cell. This is called 'Fertilization'. When this happens, the plant can form a new plant called embryo. In order to reproduce, we will need the reproductive part of a plant. The main reproductive part of the plant is the flower which has petals, sepals pistil (female reproductive part of a plant), stamen ( male reproductive part of a plant) stigma, filament and anther.

Is a stigma a part of a plant?

A stigma is the female part of a flower, it is meant to receive the pollen (male gamete) in order to reproduce.

What part of the plant performs the job of reprduction?

it depends on the plant. Dandelions for example reproduce by having their seeds scattered. However most plants reproduce by their roots, so if you take away a plant, but leave the roots, there is a good chance that i will grow back.

What part of a plant does a periwinkle reproduce from?

stem branches can develop in to new plants by vegetative propagation in periwinkle

Is a leaf considered a plant?

No. Normally a leaf is only part of a plant.