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Q: What plant reproduces with the help of the wind?
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A tomato plant reproduces by seeds, whereas, themushroom reproduces by the spores in its cap.

What plant is flowering plant?

it is a plant that reproduces

How does wheat grain reproduce?

Wheat reproduces through sexual reproduction and wind pollination. Pollen is released by the plant and carried by the wind, where it may land on another wheat plant and pollinate it.

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name a vascular plant that reproduces by spores.

How do plant roots help to prevent wind erosion?

Plant roots help to hold soil and rock in place. :)

What is the definition of a flowerinig plant?

it is when the seed from a flowering plant reproduces another flowering plant.

What is the function of an angiosperms flower?

An angiosperm is a flowering plant. The flower is how the plant reproduces sexually. This allows for hybridzation and variation. Plants that reproduce by spores have less variation.

What type of plant that that reproduces without seeds?


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What is the definition of flower pollination?

Pollination is a sticky thing on the plant. Animals drink that from the plant that reproduces the plant

How does a plant benifit from disperisng its seeds?

A plant benefits from dispersing a seed by because it reproduces.

How do wind help pollination?

It carries pollen to a pistil of another plant