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Q: What plant was the physostigmine alkaloid isolated from and what disease of the eye was it used to treat?
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Which was the first compound to be isolated from the plant?

In early 19th century someone isolated MORPHINE, ALKALOID OPIUM (POPPY). morphine is used as analgesic.

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Is coffee alkalyne or acidic I thought it was acidic but a chemist told me that coffee is an alkaloid?

Coffee is a plant product, not a chemical alkaloid. It contains caffeine, which is an alkaloid. Coffee is slightly acidic, but not as acidic as soda, beer, etc.

What is Digitalis?

The Digitalis (foxglove) plant, when its leaves are dried, gives the effect of a cardiac seditive. It is an alkaloid.

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Caffeine, as a similar plant alkaloid, has similar effects.

What is digitalis effect?

The Digitalis (foxglove) plant, when its leaves are dried, gives the effect of a cardiac seditive. It is an alkaloid.

What is the medical term meaning morphine?

Morphine is an active alkaloid extracted from the opium poppy plant and is used as opiate analgesic medication.*alkaloid is any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds of plant origin which have physiological actions on humans.

Can gelsemium be dangerous?

Gelsemium is an extremely toxic herb because of the alkaloid component, related to strychnine, which exists in all parts of the plant.

What are the parts of a belladona?

Belladonna is a plant , botanical name is Atropa belladonna .It is used in homeopathy . Its medicinal properties lie in atropine which is an alkaloid .

Is gum acacia a lipid?

gum acacia is resin secreted from acacia plant, many use for medicinal use it is an alkaloid in nature

An example of a crop plant disease?

an example of a crop plant disease is pathogens. They can be stoped by crop rotation.

How do monoclonal antibodies help in controlling plant disease?

how do monoclonal antibodies help controlling plant disease?