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Any plant that is native to it's environment.

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Q: What plants are good for the environment besides trees?
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Your friends trees plants?

Very good for them. They are doing their part to help the environment. What are you doing?

How is planting a garden good for the environment?

Because the environment needs plants and plants need the environment.If the environment lost all plants, it would't exist. It would die,and so would we (Trees count as gardens, I think).

Who is the good person living in the good society?

Plants, trees, or may be animals. Plants, trees, or may be animals.

Is cutting down trees good for money?

Yes but not for the trees and environment

What plants have big stems?

Trees would be a good example

Why are wildfires good?

NEGATIVE EFFECTSland gets destroyedconsumes vegetationPOSITIVE EFFECTSi don't really think there's some positive effects to a wildfire

Is it a good idea to have a garden?

yes. So you can grow plants which is good for the environment.

Why are trees good for the environment - which gas is taken in and which is given out?

trees release oxygen that we use to breathe. the trees take in carbon wich is what we breathe out.

What are the good effects changes in the environment?

-good/beneficial effect in our environment- burningpaper -source of carbon dioxide to plants cutting trees -source of lumber died animals/plants decay -makes soil fertile burning of wood -provides fuel water cycle -provides waterffects

How are plantations good for the environment?

They have rich soil for plants to grow in.

How has the environment impacted the people in mexico?

be growing plants in the fildeds. they grow plants by there good farming.

What is the germination period for tomato plants?

In a good environment around a week.