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Try searching it on Google, amazon swords are pretty hardy for aquariums

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Q: What plants are hardy for tropical fish?
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Related questions

Do you have to put real plants in a tropical fish tank?

No, you do not have to put real plants in a tropical tank, you can use fake plants if you like. Many people put live plants for aesthetics as the greenery tends to look very nice with small colourful fish

Can tropical fish eat fruit?

No. Anyways, how can a tropical fish eat fruit? It lives in water. They usually eat underwater plants and smaller organisms.

Does this sound like a good tropical fish community?

Tropical fish must be mixed with other fish that are well adapted to the same community as the tropical fish are. These would be fish that are non-aggressive, and like basically the same foods, water temperatures, plants and environment.

Can tropical fish live with betta fish?

Yes they would be fine (if they are plants that are ment to live underwater) for the betta splenden aka Siamese fighter fish (assuming that is the betta you are refering to) as it is a tropical fish

What the fish needs?

the fish needs a filter if tropical then a heater plants best not plastic oh and a friend to play with

Could someone please write a list of equipment I would need to care for a heavily planted aquarium and a basic description of how to care for aquarium plants?

Fish tank Plants Heater Tropical fish Gravel There might be other things depending on if you are keeping tropical plants or cold water plants.

Guppies why have them as pets?

Guppies are an incredibly hardy tropical fish which makes them excellent for beginner fish hobbyists. They are also quite easy to breed and they come in many beautiful colours.

Which fish is the hardiest fish?

Mostly goldfish.Well actually a common goldfish. For a tropical tank, zebra danios are extremely hardy. Ask at your local fish shop, they'll give you the best answers for your locality.

Is a catfish a Tropical fish?

No, catfish is not a tropical fish.

Is it bad to put tropical fish in with river fish?

Yes, it is bad to put tropical fish in with river fish. The river fish can make the tropical fish sick.

Are there any fish that don't die easily?

Yes, In general coldwater fish like goldfish are more hardy(harder to kill) than tropical fish. Saltwater fish are very easy to kill if you don't know what you are doing. Goldfish are very hardy fish that you can't kill easily. It is best to start out with fish like goldfish because you can make mistakes with them that would kill other fish. So goldfish are fish that does not die easily.

What do tropical fishes eat?

I have tropical fish and i feed them fish food which says on the label 'tropical fish'.But tropical fish that live in the ocean eat either other smaller fish or worms, really anything they can find.