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Q: What plants do swallowtails eat?
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What do black swallowtail butterflies eat?

Like other butterflies, black swallowtails feed on flowering plants. The types of plants they feed from depends on their location and the availability of certain plant species.

Does the swallowtail butterfly live in Florida?

Yes. Zebra swallowtails, Eastern Tiger swallowtails, Spicebush swallowtails and Black swallowtails, just to name a few, are all native to Florida.

Is a swallowtail butterfly the same as a monarch butterfly?

No, they are from different famillies, Mornarchs are from the Danaidae familly while Swallowtails are from the Papilionidae familly. Mornarchs Migrate every winter while Swallowtails don't. At the same time, many Swallowtails have tailwings while Mornarches don't. No, they are from different famillies, Mornarchs are from the Danaidae familly while Swallowtails are from the Papilionidae familly. Mornarchs Migrate every winter while Swallowtails don't. At the same time, many Swallowtails have tailwings while Mornarches don't. No, they are from different famillies, Mornarchs are from the Danaidae familly while Swallowtails are from the Papilionidae familly. Mornarchs Migrate every winter while Swallowtails don't. At the same time, many Swallowtails have tailwings while Mornarches don't.

What does an adult black swallowtail eat?

Adult black swallowtails feed on nectar from phlox, butterfly weed, red clover and thistle.

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What do swallowtail butterflies eat?

They only consume the flesh of humans with a third Chromosome 21.

What do black swallowtail eat?

They lay their eggs underneath hollyhocks & when they hatch they eat the leaves, turn into a crysalite & hatch! Then turn around & do the cycle over again. You can do this in captivity. I had more than 30 hatch one year. The also use other plants as well.

What caterpillars eat carrot tops besides black swallowtails?

Caterpillars enjoy the aboveground vegetation of carrots. Army worms, cutworms, dagger moths, and underwings are caterpillars that often eat on carrots in a garden.

What colors are tiger swallowtails attracted to?

Green and Purple

What does plants eat from the ocean?

plants eat plants in the ocean.

What type of dinosaur eat plants?

herbivores, who only eat plants and omnivores, who eat both plants and animals. it is canivores that only eat meat and not plants.