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13y ago

Pteridophytic plants have stems but no seeds such as Lycopodium, Selaginella, Equisetum and a large number of ferns.

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Q: What plants has roots stems and leaves but does not produce seeds?
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What are the characteristic of a seed?

Seed plants have roots, stems, leaves, has vascular tissue, and flowers that produce seeds.

What kind of plants are seed plants?

There are 2 types of seed plants.Gymnosperms which are non-flowering plant and angiosperm which are flowering plants.Both have vascular tissues,leaves,stems,roots and flower but there is 1 difference which is that: Gymnosperms produce seeds which are not enclosed in fruit and angiosperms produce seeds which are enclosed in fruits.

Plants with roots stems leaves and flowers reproduce with A spores B seeds or C chlorophyll?


Which group of plants produce seeds but not flowers?

Gymnosperms are a group of plants that produce seeds but do not have flowers. This group includes conifers, cycads, Ginkgo biloba, and gnetophytes. Their seeds are usually borne on the surface of specialized leaves or scales.

What parts of plants are most often preserved as fossils?

They are leaves stems roots and seeds I checked its in my book(:

What can store food?

Crop plants sore plenty of food in fruits, seeds, rhizomes, leaves and roots.

Can you name five structures that store food in plants?

Seeds: Embryonic plant enclosed in a protective seed coat, storing food reserves. Tubers: Enlarged underground storage organs that store nutrients, such as potatoes. Bulbs: Swollen underground fleshy storage structures, like onions. Fruits: Develop from flower ovaries, containing seeds and providing nutrient-rich tissues. Cotyledons: Seed leaves that store nutrients and serve as the first source of energy for germinating seedlings.

What has a root and a stem but does not produce a flower or fruit or seeds?

Non-vascular plants have roots and stems. They do not produce a flower or a fruit. They reproduce by spores.

How do seeds grow into plants?

seeds should first form roots then they grow stems and then the grow leaves and after that they sprout shoots then they grow bigger then they become a plant.

Do plants have organ system?

Yes, they do. Here are a few examples: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, cones.

What do Masked Ducks eat?

Mainly on seeds, roots and leaves of aquatic plants. They also eat aquatic insects and crustaceans.

List three ways in which plants reproduce naturally without forming seeds?

Naturall Method .roots, leaves, stems