

What plants with seeds do not develop within a fruit?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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strawberry, and i think blackberry

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Q: What plants with seeds do not develop within a fruit?
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What are plants with seeds that do not develop within a fruit?


What do the ovules develop into when a fruit is formed?

they develop into the seeds of plants

Where are seeds found in plants?

Seeds mature within the fruit of a flowering plant; the fruit froms from the ovary

How do gymonosprems seeds differ from angiosprem seeds?

In Gymnosperms, the seeds do not develop in an ovary - they aren't inside a fruit. Gymnosperm seeds develop either on the surface of scale/leaf-like appendages of cones, or at the end of short stalks. Two examples are conifers and cycads. In Angiosperms (flowering plants), the seeds are contained within some kind of fruit, the ovary.

Where are seeds found in a plant?

Seeds mature within the fruit of a flowering plant; the fruit froms from the ovary

What part of a plant produces the seeds?

Seeds form from ovules in the ovary of the plant. In fruit-bearing plants, the fruit develops around the ovule as the fertilized seeds develop. Other plants form seed pods or kernels for the same purpose, which is to enclose the seeds.

What are plants that produce seeds enclosed in a fruit?

Angiosperms are plants that produce seeds enclosed in a fruit.

Are carnations angiosperms or gymnosperms?

Carnations are angiosperms. Angiosperms are flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed within a fruit, while gymnosperms produce naked seeds. Carnations produce seeds within a fruit structure called a "hip" after flowering.

Some plants produce seeds that develop inside of what?

some plants produce seeds that develop inside of what?

What are the classes of seed-bearing plants?

The two groups of seed-bearing plants are:-gymnosperms and angiosperms.Gymnosperm-are vascular plants that produce seeds on the scales of cones. Angiosperm-flowering plants that develop seeds enclosed in a fruit are called angiosperms.

Are fruit the only plants with seeds?

No, there are Gymnospermous plants which bear seeds with out fruits

How does seeds develop?

some plants have seeds in them and they burp them out and some fruits have seeds in them and if a birds eats the fruit the bird could drop one of the seeds and the seed would then be planted.