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Primarily, the North American plate. Under that in Western Canada lies the Juan de Fuca plate. There are also other formations, including a number of cratons.

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Q: What plate is Canada on?
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What tectonic plate is Canada on?

Canada borders the north American plate, and the pacific plate.

What are some landforms of canada?

The North American plate on a conservative plate boundary with the Nazca plate creating the Rockies in western Canada.

How did plate movement shape Canada?

it didnt

Is Canada on the North American plate?


What countries are on the the North American plate?

Canada, usa, Mexico

What is the smallest plate in Canada?

The Juan de Fuca

What are on the North American plate?

Canada, usa, Mexico

What type of plate boundary is Canada on?

Canada is on the North American plate, the eastern part of this plate extends to the mid-Atlantic ridge, however this is far from Canada. The western coast of Canada is a subduction zone for the most part with a small amount of the Queen Charolette fault towards the north. The subduction zone is called the Cascadia subduction zone.

Why are there volcano's in the west coast of Canada?

plate tectonic movement

What is an example of the US and Canada sharing landforms?

The same plate

What explains why Canada has experience more mountain building than eastern Canada?

The theory of plate tectonics

What is the smallest tectonic plate in Canada?

The smallest tectonic late in Canada would be: Juan De Fuca