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Q: What plate is Dukono volcano on?
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The cotopaxi volcano sits on the pacific plate.

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The Falcon Volcano on the Tonga Islands are in the Indo-Australian Plate- a convergent boundary.

How is the lava formed insind a volcano?

When an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide, it forms a volcano. The oceanic plate subducts underneath the continental plate. As the oceanic plate slides underneath, a magma chamber is formed. This magma chamber is what feeds the volcano.

What plate is the Kilauea volcano on?

Kilauea is on the Pacific Plate.

What plates caused the Eyjafjallajokull volcano?

The Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate caused this volcano to form. Due to being on these two constantly moving plate boundaries, this volcano has erupted increasingly.

What volcano starts with the letter d?

Volcanoes that start with the letter D:Dabbahu Volcano (Ethiopia)Dempo Volcano (Indonesia)Dukono Volcano (Indonesia)

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plate tectonics and plate boundries

What plate tectonic is kirishima volcano on?

Convergent plate boundary.(:

What is the plate on kilauea located?

The Pacific Plate. In the middle of the plate the volcano is rising from the plate movement.

What type of plate boundry is creating the shiveluch volcano in russia?

A convergent boundry is creating the shiveluch volcano in Russia. The Eurasian plate collides with the Pacific plate

Where is volcano rock found?

Volcano rock near volcano's, which are found near plate boundary's.