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It was the Eurasian and the Philippine plates that moved and caused the earthquake in Kobe.

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Q: What plates caused the Kobe earthquake?
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What 2 tectonic plates caused the Kobe earthquake?

The Phillipene and the Eurashian

What were the Kobe earthquake plates called?

There was the Eurasian, Pacific and Philippine plates.

What tectonic plates caused the earthquake?


What two plates caused the earthquake?

Assuming you are talking about the earthquake in Japan, the two plates are the Pacific and the Asian plates.

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Tectonic plates caused the earthquake, the Pacific and North American plate were rubbing against each other, and this caused the earthquake. the earthquake caused the Tsunami.

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the Kobe earthquake wasn't caused by a volcanic explsion, yes it occured at a destructive plate margine where the phillipine plate subducted under the eurasian plate but no vulcanism occured, the friction caused by the subduction caused the earthquake which has been identified to have a strike slip mechanism

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the tectonic plates

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Tectonic plates formed the earthquake in 1960 due to a collision with one another.

What natural event caused major destruction to Kobe in Japan in January of 1995?

answer: earthquake