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African and Arabian

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Q: What plates formed the rift valley that the Red Sea now occupies?
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How did the African Rift valley form?

the great rift valley formed when two plates shifted.

How did a rift valley form?

the tectonic plates separate and the ground moves down. then a rift valley is formed

Witch 2 plates formed the rift valley that the Red Sea now occupies?

African Plate and Arabian Plate

Steep narrow valley formed as lithospheric plates separate?

Rift valley.

The breaking up of the crustal plates formed in eastern Africa?

rift valley

Where does a rift valley form at?

A rift valley forms at divergent plate boundaries where tectonic plates are moving apart. As the plates separate, they create a gap in the Earth's crust that can lead to the formation of a rift valley. An example of a rift valley is the East African Rift in Africa.

When continental plates pull apart they form this?

rift valley Answer 2 Continents are formed when continental plates pull apart.

When continental plates pull apart they form?

rift valley Answer 2 Continents are formed when continental plates pull apart.

Which plate boundary causes rifting?

Rift are formed between divergent boundaries, as the plates break apart from each other, a rift is formed between them. Also as they split apart the void between them forms a rift valley. Like the great rift valley in Africa.

How was the rifted valley formed?

The rift valley was formed when the continents divided it split open a large area in Africa and formed The Great Rift Valley.

What is a kind of valley where plates move?

It is called a rift valley.

What kind of valley where plates move apart?

rift valley