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Walt Whitman used imagery, personification, alliteration, and enjambment in "Farm-Picture." These devices help create vivid and emotive descriptions of the farm and its inhabitants, enhancing the reader's experience.

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Q: What poetic devices did Walt Whitman use when writing Farm-Picture?
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Whitman was a pioneer in the poetic use of?

Free verse.

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Yes it does The poetic devices are Alliteration, Rhyme,Hyperbole.

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A simile, metaphor, personification, rhyme and alliteration are 5 poetic devices

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theres not really one song that has the most poetic devices and if there is good luck trying to find it!!

What does poetic mean in language art?

In language arts, "poetic" refers to the use of literary devices, such as metaphor, simile, and symbolism, to evoke emotions and create vivid imagery in writing. Poetic language often incorporates rhythmic patterns and sound devices, such as alliteration and rhyme, to enhance the beauty and impact of the words. It aims to communicate ideas and feelings in a creative and expressive manner.

Why does Allen Ginsberg refer to Walt Whitman as dear father in his poem A Supermarket in California?

Allen Ginsberg refers to Walt Whitman as "dear father" in his poem "A Supermarket in California" because Ginsberg viewed Whitman as a poetic mentor and influential figure in American literature. Ginsberg felt a deep connection to Whitman's work and sought to honor his legacy by acknowledging him as a guiding influence in his own writing.