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Q: What policy leading to the American Revolution gave British officials the right to enter and confiscate anything the owner could not prove was not smuggle?
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no you cannot confiscate anything under search and seizure laws

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they wore anything

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The President does not have the power to confiscate anything from private citizens. Only the courts can do this, and then only as punitive action due to criminal activity.

Why did slavery continue after American Revolution?

Slavery has been with us since before recorded history.It is STILL with us. Do not think that because some countries have outlawed it that is is no longer happening.Nor did the 'American revolution' have anything to do with the abolishment of slavery in the US.

Does officials need an apostrophe?

Officials is the plural noun. Now you need to know if anything belongs to the officials.NO: The officials discussed the matter.YES: The officials' discussions settled the matter.

Did George Washington do anything memorable before being president?

He led the army against Britain during the American Revolution.

Is there anything that relates to the American revolution as far as people places battles and events that begin with the letter U?

the United states

Why did the french help the colonist during the American revolution?

Because anything that hurt the British, especially British world trade, was fine by the French.

Why did England not support french revolution?

England and France had been at war with each other for centuries, and France had helped the Americans fight their American Revolution against the English. Therefore, England did not support anything French. Also, no other countries what soever supported the French Revolution.

Did Crispus Attucks invent anything?

No, Crispus Attucks is not recorded as being an inventor of anything. What he is famous for is being the first African-American and one of the first Americans to die in the Revolution. He died in the Boston Massacre of 1775.

Why did America break away from England in the American revolution?

at the time they had no free rights or really anything and taxes became a problem they were taxing everything and they were high taxes