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Q: What political faction demanded that freedom of the press be amended into the constitution?
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What did the framers of the constitution want to avoid?

They wanted to avoid having political parties.

A political faction would be what?

A political faction is a group of people with a common political goal. This could be a group within a political party, or even a union.

Why do you think the framers wanted to protect the judicial branch from political influence?

The judicial branch was intended as a check on the power of congress to write laws. Theoretically, a political faction could gain control of both houses of congress in sufficient numbers to supersede the veto power of the executive branch - such a faction-dominated congress could basically enact any law they decided to, including laws which (let's say) ended the executive branch, abolished elections, and amended the constitution to leave them and their appointed successors perpetually in power (versions of this kind of legalistic coup d'état have in fact happened in several nations in recent history). The judicial branch checks this through its power to overturn any law that contradicts the spirit and letter of the constitution. However, if the justices were subject to political influences, then the same political forces which allowed such a noxious faction to gain control of congress could be used to sway the opinions of the justices as well, defeating their primary purpose.

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Can you make a sentence using the word faction?

A political faction is presently an informal grouping of individuals, especially within a political organization, such as a political party, a trade union, or other group with some kind of political purpose.

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What does faction mean according to Madison?

He refers to 'faction' as a political group of people.

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