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Q: What portion of the American people were committed revolutionaries?
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Who were the american revolutionaries-?

People who kill los zetas

What wear people called that fought for independence in the American Revolution?

Can you say "Spell check" ? -Were -People Oooh geeze! There is -Revolutionaries -Whigs -Loyalists and Patriots ~Me!

Do revolutionaries think men are evil?

Many people think man is evil; not just revolutionaries.

What were the rights the American revolutionaries cared about?

They felt british took their rights ( good look APEX)

Were the chartists revolutionaries?

some people would consider them revolutionaries depending on how the define a revoultion, chartists did want change but they didn't want absolute change which in some peoples opinions mean they don't count as revolutionaries

What did the Native Americans do in the American Revolutionary?

Native Americans played roles on both sides of the American Revolution. Some tribes decided to side with the British forces against the American revolutionaries. Others, did opposite and allied themselves with the Continental Army in the fight for American independence.

How many people committed suicide in the year 1998?

In 1998 there were 11.3 suicides for every 100,000 people. White males made up the largest portion of that number.

What do Revolutionaries think of other people?

they were disgusted by them, hatred was bestowed upon them.

What were the right the revolutionaries cared about?

Basic rights all people have in common

Are the American people still paying a tax to fund the civil war?

No just a portion of our taxes go to military funding

Who blamed the wealthy Cubans and American companies in Cuba for the exploitation of the poor?

Fidel Castro, and all his fellow communist revolutionaries, blamed wealthy Cubans (and particularly the Cuban dictator, Fulgencio Batista) and American companies for the exploitation of the poor people of Cuba.

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