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Q: What portion of the myofilament structure slides during a contraction?
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What prevents actin myofilaments from sliding backward when a myosin head releases?

During contraction, there are always some myosin heads attached to the actin myofilament when other myosin heads are detaching.

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That is the negative portion of a movement. Lowering the weight during a bench press

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pharynx to part 2 of the duodenum

Which region of a sarcomere shortens during contraction?

During a contraction, the I bands and H zone of a sarcomere contract. The A bands remain unchanged.

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a concentric contraction- a concentric contraction involves the muscle length, shortening during a contraction! YA-trick-YA!

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During muscle contraction the actin heads pull the sarcomere closed

The muscle decreases in muscle length during contraction but tension is the same?

Isotonic contraction

During which portion of the cardiac cycle is it possible to induce extra systole?

Extrasystole is an extra ventricular systole that happens during the begging of relaxation (repolarization). Since the cardiac is able to depolarize only after repolarization, any stimulus upon the repolarization period created an increased ventricular contraction or which is also called extrasystole but not a new contraction.

Is it true or false that during isometric contraction the energy used appears as movement?

during isometric contraction, the energy used appears as movement

During muscle contraction....... attach to ...............?
