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Extrasystole is an extra ventricular systole that happens during the begging of relaxation (repolarization). Since the cardiac is able to depolarize only after repolarization, any stimulus upon the repolarization period created an increased ventricular contraction or which is also called extrasystole but not a new contraction.

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relaxation period (diastole)

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Q: During which portion of the cardiac cycle is it possible to induce extra systole?
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What occurs during atrial systole?

A. systole causes a complete emptying of all blood from the ventricle B. systole increases the pressure in the ventricles ejecting blood out through the cardiac outflow tracts C. systole occupies a longer period of time than does diastole. D. systole is the phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart fills with blood. E. None of the above

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Yes, both sets of valves are closed twice during any one cardiac cycle.

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Lubb dubb corresponds to the heart sounds heard during systole and diastole, respectively.

During which phase of the cardiac cycle do the ventricles relax and fill with blood?

diastole is when all 4 chambers of the heart are at rest after a cardiac cycle systole is the term used to describe the heart during a contraction

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The force exerted on the arterial walls during cardiac contraction is systolic blood pressure. In contrast, diastolic blood pressure is the force exerted during cardiac relaxation.

Are both sets of valves closed during the cardiac cycle?

Pulmonary and aortic valves are semilunar valves having three semilunar cusps each. these valves open with the free ends facing the vessels when the heart contracts and closes when heart relaxes thus preventing regurgitation

What part of the cardiac cycle is associated with the QRS complex?

The cardiac cycle refers to a complete heartbeat, including the systole and diastole. The QRS complex occurs during the depolarization of the right and left ventricles of the human heart.

What do systole and dystole represent?

Systole - The time period when the heart is contracting. The period specifically during which the left ventricle of the heart contracts. Diastole - Referring to the time when the heart is in a period of relaxation and dilation.

Is the blood pressure in systemic arteries greatest during atrial systole or ventricular systole?

ventricular systole

During ventricular systole are AV valves closed?

yes during ventricular systole AV valves are closed.