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Q: What positive and negative effects did colonization bring to Hawaii?
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Were there any negative effects on Hawaii after the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

Only the damage and casualties.

What are positive effects of the sinking of the Maine?

The United states got alaska, hawaii,and the pillesspines

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What negative effects were brought about by the introduction of non native species of animals in the island of Hawaii?

All of the native animals were really angry so there was a massive gang war and 34 toads died D:

Was Alaska made before or after Hawaii?

before (100% positive)

What were some of the lasting effects of Harlem renaissances?

In the north of Hawaii

What were the effects of the US purchasing Hawaii?

Hawaii was not purchased. Hawaii was an independent Kingdom which was overthrown by businessmen who formed the Republic of Hawaii. The US then annexed the Republic by Act of Congress and made it a Territory.

Good effects of volcanoes?

Volcanoes help enrich soil for farming and in some cases provide reservoirs for the storage of ground water. Moreover the earth's valuable resources are formed in volcanoes.

What island on Hawaii was attacked by a tsunami?

From my understanding, Maui. But I'm not positive.

In the US what is the raniest state?

I'm almost positive that the rainiest state is Hawaii.

Why do tourists visit Hawaii?

To shake off the effects of Old Man Winter.

What environmental effects in Hawaii resulted from the April 1 1946 tsunami?

trees were wet