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Q: What positive principles did Africans fight for during World War 1?
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Slavery expanded when Natives were forced to work for Europeans and Africans were shipped to the New World. This did not happen during the Middle Ages, however; it happened during the Renaissance.

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1 reason you can say is a positive impact is that loads of south Africans had be given jobs so they earned money giving them a better future

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Economic events during World War II demonstrated the principles of Keynesian economics in the sense that spending had gone done dramatically and the economy was stalled.

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Africans around the world shared a cultural background -Apex

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During the middle ages what expanded when natives were forced to work for the europeans and Africans started to be shipped over to the new world?

The trianglar trade rout.

What points could supporters of Pan- African-ism agree on?

Africans around the world shared a cultural background -Apex