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Any pray you make, god hears you. All you need to do is say "GOD" and then speak directly to him. One of the best places to pray is GODPleaseHearMe. It allows you to access this power in a group environment since people who pray on here have a higher chance of getting their prayers answers because prayers are stronger together. This article call "Does God Really Hear You" is pretty good one that explains it all.

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The Lords Prayer is an example of how to pray, not what to pray. Of course we can pray it, but that wasn't His point.

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The prayer where you pray for your personal intensions is the 'prayer of the faithful'.

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No. "Pray" is a verb. The noun is prayer.

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If free will exists then what is the point of prayer when for a prayer to be answered would NORMALLY involve the restriction of another person's free will?

I would pray that it would be God's will and Jesus taught us to pray that God's will will be done on earth but if someone submits to God their will becomes God's will