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You shouldn't eat much prior to a workout. It just messes with your system and can cause you to get sick while working out. Trust me, don't do it.

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Q: What pre workout meal should I eat?
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What pre workout meal affect energy levels before a workout?

You should always eating a light and nutritious pre-workout snack before you start your routine. Lance Armstrong has a website that should answer your questions about pre-workout meals:

Do you know of some good pre workout meals I should eat?

You should not eat anything. It just messes with your stomach. Eat a couple of hours before. Then do your workout. It's the best way to do it.

What is the pre workout meal?

A meal consisting of 45% complex carbs, 35%protein and 20% essential fats

What's a good post workout shake I can make?

I looked into this about post workout shakes and this site also states a person needs a good post workout meal. Well here is the site for you to look at

Should you eat a Snickers bar to be strong for weight lifting?

no! drink a pre workout drink 1 hour before training

Can you drink alcohol after drinking pre workout?

no not at all you should never do that!!

Can i take L glutamine even if I'm already taking a pre workout supplement before my workout and protein after I workout?

That depends entirely on the contents of your pre-workout supplement. You should always check with your doctor or nutritionist before taking, changing, or combining supplements.

When is the best time to work-out?

Best time to work out should depend on you. just have pre and post workout meal. the after noon because you are not sleepy and you are not getting ready for bed the afternoon because you are not sleepy and you are not getting ready for bed

Can you take pre-workout and post-workout supplements at the same time?

Can you? yes, i mean it's physically possible but why would pre-workout be called "pre" workout if your taking it after your work out ? It would just be foolish to do that because the pre workout wouldn't do anything for you. you would just be getting energized after your already done working out there would be no point. take your pre workout supplement 10 minutes before you work out and take your post workout protein/supplement within thirty minutes after your workout. I recommend taking your post workout A.S.A.P. after your workout.

What kind of pre workout supplements should I buy, and where should I buy them?

Kreatin is a great pre-workout supplement. It gets your blood flowing like you've already started working out, so you can start into your cardio workout and burn those calories faster. You can get this online or in store at GNC or Total Nutrition.

What does intra workout mean?

Intra workout is using a workout supplement during workout Pre Intra Post

What is the best pre workout supliment for energy and endurance?

any nitric supplement is best. dont forget to eat a healthy breakfast with protein.