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the idea of nuclear weapons hadn't been investigated at the time of ww1

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Q: What precautions were the British government taking against nuclear bombs in world war 1?
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How can a nuclear be dangerous?

Nuclear has radiation. But when used correctly there are no dangerous effects if you are using the proper precautions.

When was British Nuclear Fuels founded?

British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL) was founded in February 1971. In 1984 , BNFL became a public limited company totally owned by the United Kingdom government.

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What precautions should be taken before the nuclear disaster?

People living within the nearest periphery of a nuclear plant, should be taught about the precautions to be taken against the impending risk from the nuclear reactors of the plants. By this way, Japan was able to minimize loss of human lives during their recent nuclear reactor emission. Using of masks, going underground to evade poisonous gases,spraying chemicals to neutralize the effect of nuclear reactor emissions are few of the steps generally undertaken during an eventuality.

What are the precautions to be taken while disposing nuclear wastes?

Stay away from it.

What precautions will you take when you handle lead carbonate?

wear a nuclear mask

What is the us doing to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon?

The US has imposed trade restrictions against Iran in hope of pressuring their government to abandon its attempts to build nuclear weapons.

Why did the BC government disallow nuclear energy?

While I don't know the specific situation of BC (what's that, British Columbia?), many people think there are serious problems with nuclear energy. The problems include the difficulty of getting rid of the nuclear waste, and the risk of a major nuclear accident.

When was Campaign Against Nuclear Energy created?

Campaign Against Nuclear Energy was created in 1976.

Did the US use non nuclear weapons against japan?

the u.s. used non nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons against japan

What happens when you touch the nuclear plant what will happen to you?

Touching a nuclear plant will have no effect on you. You would have to go deep into the plant and bypass many safety precautions in order to be in any danger.

What is an antinuke?

An antinuker is a person who is against the concept of making nuclear weapons.