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Q: What predictions of general relativity have been verified if any?
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The science writer us that many past predictions have been wrong.?

The science writer reminds us that many past predictions have been wrong.

Where did Albert Einstein create the general theory of relativity?

The development of the General Theory of Relativity was not just a single effort. It was the combination of several things Einstein worked on. Einstein published his first paper on Special Relativity while working in the Swiss patent office. It may be assumed that he created much the theory while working there although he undoubtedly spent a great deal of time outside of work pondering on it and probably had been thinking of parts of it even before he took the patent examiner job.His work on General Relativity occured between 1907 and 1915 so he started it while working in Bern, continued his work while working as a lecturer at the University of Bern in 1908, then physics docent at the University of Zurich in 1909, then full professor at Karl-Ferdinand University in Prague in 1911, then he returned to Germany after being appointed director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics and a professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin.It can therefore be said that he created the General Theory of Relativity step by step in Bern, Zurich, Prauge, and Berlin.Einstein published his first paper on General Relativity while working in the Swiss patent office. It may be assumed that he created much the theory while working there although he undoubtedly spent a great deal of time outside of work pondering on it and probably had been thinking of parts of it even before he took the patent examiner job.

What is a unifying explanation for a set of observations that has been verified by multiple testing?


A hypothesis that has been verified by many scientists?

scientific theory

Can models be used to collect data and make predictions?

when models chave been validated with evidence

Related questions

What predictions of general relativity have been verified?

Several predictions of general relativity have been verified. These include the bending of light around massive objects, known as gravitational lensing, the redshift of light in a gravitational field, the time dilation experienced near massive objects like black holes, and the detection of gravitational waves, which are ripples in spacetime.

How did Albert Einstein change scientific ideas or knowledge?

Albert Einstin was a great scientist. His proposed "Theory of Relativity" is a great contribution to development of scientific ideas and/or knowledge.Scientiststs dichotomised the 'theory of relativity' into two parts - special theory of relativity and general theory of relativity. Einstein's both the special and general theory of relativity have been confirmed as accurate of very high degree and it contributed in many predictions such as the solar eclipse of 1919 which helped the astronomers to analyse starlight near the edge of the sun.In this way theory of relativity is a geat contribution to scince- it is a testament of creation.

How did albert Einstein contributed to scientific knowledge?

Albert Einstin was a great scientist. His proposed "Theory of Relativity" is a great contribution to development of scientific ideas and/or knowledge.Scientiststs dichotomised the 'theory of relativity' into two parts - special theory of relativity and general theory of relativity. Einstein's both the special and general theory of relativity have been confirmed as accurate of very high degree and it contributed in many predictions such as the solar eclipse of 1919 which helped the astronomers to analyse starlight near the edge of the sun.In this way theory of relativity is a geat contribution to scince- it is a testament of creation

Can you prove that Einsteins relativity theory is wrong?

That would be kind of tough, since most of its explanations and predictions have been verified in thousands of experiments over the past hundred years. For one example: One of the predictions that falls out of the Relativistic math is the way that time becomes distorted or "dilated" when two objects have a high velocity relative to each other. That math was used in the design of the whole Global Positioning System. GPS would not work without the allowances built in for the effects of Relativity.

When Einsteins theory of gravity general relativity gained acceptance it demonstrated that Newtons theory had been?


When did Einstein prove the theory of Relativity?

In November of 1919, at the age of 40, Albert Einstein became an overnight celebrity, thanks to a solar eclipse. An experiment had confirmed that light rays from distant stars were deflected by the gravity of the sun in just the amount he had predicted in his 1916 paper on his theory of gravity, general relativity. General relativity was the first major new theory of gravity since Isaac Newton's more than 250 years earlier.It has never been proven, and it never will be. However, there is a vast amount of evidence consistent with it, and so far nothing has contradicted it either. Einstein didn't prove the theory -- he just created it.The above paragraph is not entirely correct. There is the Gravity Probe B experiment which should provide some conclusive results regarding proving the theory in the near future. See the following links for more information: atomic clock has proven his time dialation to be correct.

What is a verified answer?

A verified answer is one that has been checked several times to confirm that the answer is correct and factual. If it has not been checked or is incorrect then it cannot be called a verified answer.

What are short-term predictions of earthquake behavior?

Short term predictions of earthquake behaviour or even earthquake predictions in general have not occured yet. Many even question if earthquakes will ever be able to be predicted. Even the earthquakes that have supposedly been predicted correctly have controversy behind the method

How is gravity generated?

Gravity is not generated. There are two main explanations of gravity, either general relativity, or an explanation which uses quantum mechanics. According to general relativity, gravity alteres spacetime. This causes a spacetime curvature, which is responsible for the fact that masses atracct one another. According to the other theory, it is the result of the exchanges of virtual gravitons. Since gravitons have not been observed yet, most physicists accept general relativity as the explanation. Other theories exist, but not enough evidence has been gathered so far.

What is meant by the statement physics is an experimental science?

An experimental physicist also has hypotheses and theories, but they devise actual experiments to show these hypotheses are true (or not).General Relativity is one example where it is shown true by both mathematics and by experiments. The latest experiment to show General Relativity is true is the satellite "Gravity Probe B", which orbited the earth (still is) for a couple of years gathering data on what's called "frame dragging" -- which is a prediction from General Relativity math that had not been shown by experiment (until now).

What are the scientificattitude and values?

Trust nothing until it has been verified, and verified again. Honesty. Cynicism.

The science writer us that many past predictions have been wrong.?

The science writer reminds us that many past predictions have been wrong.