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Q: What president brought the most controversial and compilcated election in American history?
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What president brought the most controversial and compilcated election in American history in 1824?

andrew jackson

Why was president Reagan's election in 1976 controversial?

It was controversial because he wasn't elected US President UNTIL 1980!

Why was the outcome of the 1796 presidential election controversial?

The outcome of the 1796 presidential election was controversial because it resulted in the first contested election in American history. The Federalist candidate John Adams narrowly defeated the Democratic-Republican candidate Thomas Jefferson, but Adams's vice president was Jefferson's political rival, Thomas Pinckney. This created tension and a sense of political instability, as the president and vice president were from opposing parties.

Why was election of 1824 important?

It was the most controversial election in American History, later quoted by Washington, "the Corrupt Bargain."

Did President Barack Obama win the election?

Yes, he won the election and became the first African-American president of the US.

Who won in 1860 for president?

This was the election which set stage for the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln was the president-elect from the 1860 election.

What is the most likely reason that the election of 1789 was a historic event?

Because it was the first election of an American president.

Which American president lost a presidentail election before he won one?

(Stephen) Grover Cleavland. As an incumbant president, he lost the 1888 election to Benjamin Harrison, but defeated Harrison in the 1892 election.

What was the main purpose for the election of 1860?

The election of 1860 included the following candidates: Abraham Lincoln John Bell John Breckenrige Stephen Douglas The election of 1860 was mostly over the controversial issue of slavery. Abraham Lincoln won a bitter election

Who was the first president to be elected with the help of woman voters?

President Warren Harding was the first American president to be elected with the support of female voters. The election was in 1920. Harding was the Republican representative in the presidential election for that term.

Who is running for president that is an African American?

The only person currently (2012) running who is an African-American is the incumbent president, Barack Obama, who is running for re-election.

Which American president lost a presidential election before he won one?

Richard Nixon