

What president passed the bailout?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Multiple bailouts have been passed, recently by George Bush (who, I believe, bailed out the banks) and Barack Obama (who bailed out the auto industry).

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Q: What president passed the bailout?
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What date was the 700 billion bailout passed?

The bailout was passed by the House of Representatives and signed into law by the president on Friday October 3, 2008.

If bailout is passed can bush stay president?

No. President Bush leaves office on Jan 20, 2009. Only 2 consecutive terms are permitted under US law.

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They proabably celebrated the fact that the stupid $700billion bailout plan passed.

How did they vote on the bailout plan?

They voted on the bailout plan just like any bill passed by the government. When the Bill was initially introduced, it had been rejected by the US Senate on Sep 29th 2008. It was then amended and approved by the US Senate on Oct 3rd 2008. President Bush signed the bill into law within hours of its enactment, creating a $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program to purchase failing bank assets.. Without majority in the house the bailout would not have come into existence

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Actually there is no correlation between the bailout plans and the US elections. The plans were initiated by president George Bush to help the economy to recover from the crisis. Though he wasnt in the race for the president post, he initiated it and hence there is no basic connection between the two.

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The first time it was presented it was unanimously rejected. Then when it was re-introduced with amendments it wasn't passed unanimously but was passed with enough majority that is required to pass any bill.

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In 2000,Joe Lieberman ran for vice president on the Democratic party with Al Gore.

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There is no such crisis as the financial bailout package crisis. the bailout was created to overcome the financial crisis.

How did the president overrule the Senates vote on the auo bailout?

The bill that was defeated in the Senate was a 14 billion dollar rescue plan for the automakers. The President has no power to overrule a bill that is defeated in Congress. The 17.4 billion dollar assistance to the automakers will be a low interest loan drawn from the 700 billion "bail out" fund already passed by both Houses in October.

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This act was signed by President Lyndon Johnson. The House version was passed while Kennedy was president but Johnson was the president by the time it was passed by the Senate and became law.

How many votes yes for bailout and how many no for bailout?

205 for it and 228 against it.