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Q: What prey defenses have evolved in fish in response to predators like sharks?
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What is a sharks defenses against predators?

While small sharks are vulnerable to predators, larger sharks are big enough that they often go unchallenged by most ocean predators. They all defend themselves with sharp teeth, and they have a very tough hide covered with tiny scales that are very difficult to get through. Sharks can also swim fast if they need to escape.

Are people predators to the sharks?

are people predators to sharks than sharks are to humans

Are sharks predators to fish?

Yes sharks are predators to fish.

What are the predators of basking sharks?

Their predators are great white sharks and killer whales.

Who are the shark predators?

Sharks are apex predators. They do not have any natural predators except other sharks. Large sharks are known to kill and eat smaller ones.

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people, other fish, sharks and animals

What are the Predators of a lemon shark?

when lemon sharks are juvenile, their predators maybe other sharks but when in adult hood, their predators may only be parasites

What are a sharks predators?

about the only predator is people. unless that is you count dolphins believe it or not they are know to gang up on sharks and kill them.

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