

What prey does the polar bear eat?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Polar bears will eat seals, fish, and somtimes walruses

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Q: What prey does the polar bear eat?
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Is polar bear a prey?

The Polar Bear is an Apex Predator. Seals are the preferred diet/prey for Polar Bears. Most of its diet consists of ringed or bearded seals. They are also known to hunt and kill adult Walruses and even Beluga Whales. No other animal is known to kill or consume the Polar Bear. So, they are not prey to any other species of animals

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What can you do with a polar bear?

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What animals is a polar bear's prey?

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Why are polar bears Arctic foxes enemies?

Calling them enemies may be a stretch. Polar bears do not normally prey on Arctic foxes, and the fox will often follow the bear to eat scraps from the bear's kills.

What is the prey in a polar habitat?

Polar bear and artic fox also the penguin .

What eats a white polar bear?

Only the orca is known to occasionally kill and eat a swimming polar bear.

If an Arctic fox is prey to a polar bear then why do Arctic foxes sometimes become friends with them?

an arctic fox isn't prey for a polar bear [also i do not think that foxes become friends with polar bears

Will a polar bear eat an Arctic fox?

A polar bear will eat anything that it catches, including foxes.