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Q: What principle ensures congress and the president abide by the constitution?
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What principal of the constitution states that congress can impeach a sitting President if he she behaves in an unlawful manner?

The principle of the constitution that states that Congress can impeach a sitting President for unlawful behavior is known as the principle of checks and balances. This principle ensures that no individual, including the President, is above the law and can be held accountable for their actions. Impeachment is a constitutional mechanism that allows Congress to investigate and remove a President from office if they have committed "high crimes and misdemeanors."

How ensures the Constitution and its rules are not being ignored by the president Congress or the states?

It gives congress the ability to remove the president for wrongdoing.

Which of the following ensures the Constitution and its rules are not being ignored by the president, Congress, or the states?

judicial review

Who ensures that the laws passed out of congress are faithfully executed?

The President

Example of Congress checking President?

One example of Congress checking the President is through the impeachment process. Congress has the power to impeach the President if they believe he has committed "high crimes and misdemeanors." This allows Congress to hold the President accountable and potentially remove him from office if necessary.

What part of the Constitution ensures this?

ensures what??

What did president Gerald Ford mean when he saidour constitution works how did the us constitution effectively resolve the crisis caused by president Nixon?

The Constitution limits governmental powers and ensures that no particular branch has more power than the other...MoMMy.! :)

How does bicameralism in Congress reflect the principle of federalism?

By giving each State equal representation in the Senate and representation proportional to its population in the House, bicameralism ensures a division of power.

How does the constitution ensure a smooth transition of power in event of presidential disability?

if a president is unable to fufil his duties, the vice president takes over the presidency the constitution ensures a smooth transition by designating a specific person for theis job

What is the executive branch of the US government and how does it work?

All Executive power of the United States of America is vasted in the President as well as the Vice President. The constitution did not create any government department but instead the first of them, the Department of State, was created by the First Congress. All Secretaries are the executive heads of their respective department, consultate the President, and are subject to confirmation by Congress. The executive (also known as administration) provides all government services to U.S. citizens and ensures that all acts enacted by Congress are properly carried out.

What principle of the Constitution did Madison see as a tool for suppressing the influence of a minority group faction?

In essence, it is the republican principle that ensures the majority can defeat the "sinister views" of the minority: in other words, the regular vote should suffice. (Federalist Paper #10; James Madison)

What ensures that congress and the president will not share the same terms of office?

The U.S. Constitution ensures that the terms of office for members of Congress and the President are separate and distinct. The President is elected through a nationwide vote for a fixed term of four years, while members of Congress are elected through separate elections for each chamber (House of Representatives and Senate) and serve different terms (two years for Representatives, six years for Senators). This separation of terms and election processes helps to maintain a system of checks and balances between the legislative and executive branches of government.