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Lincoln didn't use the Declaration of Independence for the emancipation proclamation. The Declaration of Independence was a letter to the king telling why the colonies were declaring independence.

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The principle that all men are created equal, they are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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Q: On what principle from the Declaration of Independence did Lincoln base the Emancipation Proclamation?
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Which important principle was stated in the declaration of independence?

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It isn't reflected in the Declaration. The Declaration is a letter to the king telling why the colonies are declaring independence.

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How is the Declaration of Independence important to me?

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it create a system for new states to join the union on an equal basis. ;}

What does The Declaration of Independence invokes the principle of?

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Which Enlightenment principle is most clearly reflected in this excerpt from the Declaration of Independence That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of t?

The social contract