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Q: What principles did Roman Magistrates operate under?
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Both. The Roman Empire wasn't run by idiots. They knew that they could not impose Roman law in its entirety on all of their subject peoples, so they allowed significant autonomy. Local traditions were tolerated, and that included allowing local law to operate under Roman rule. But any question involving a Roman citizen was decided under Imperial law, as was any question of Imperial security.

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What legal principles did Roman law allow?

The key principles of Roman civil law were: citizenship status and citizenship rights, equality under the law, the right to have a proper trial and to defend oneself, the right to appeal, that the burden of proof rests on the accuser and not on the accused, that it is the exact form of actions and not intentions or words which is punishable, that a law deemed unreasonable or unfair can be repealed, and that no Roman citizen should be tortured. These key principles have provided the foundation of the civil laws of many modern countries

Why when a soccer ball is kicked the action and reaction do not cancel each other out?

The game of soccer does not operate under its own unique physics. The forces involved are all absorbed and/or balanced as physical principles require.

What countries have legal systems based on Roman law?

Many European nations base their law on Roman systems. So do most Latin American countries, which were once European colonies. Roman law has also influenced the Unites States. Many principles of the Roman Republic, such as equal justice under the law, became part of the American system of government.

How did Roman law influence democracy?

Some of the most important principles of Roman law were equal treatment under the law innocent until proven guilty the burden of proof rests with the accuser and unreasonable or unfair laws could be aside.

What Roman principles became part of the legal system of the US?

The principles of Roman civil law which have been influential for the law of many modern countries, including the US are; citizenship and citizenship rights, equality under the law, the right to a trial and the right to appeal, innocence until proven guilty, that the burden of proof rests on the accuser and not theaccused, and that unfair laws can be repealed.

What right did the Romans not have?

Roman citizens, like us, did not have the right to commit crime or treason or to murder, which were punishable. Apart from this, the rights of Roman citizens were similar to ours as Roman civil law established principles of rights which provided the foundation of the rights under modern civil law and modern common law.