

What prizes did Einstein win other than the Nobel Prize?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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prizes, awards, honours, etc....

1919-University of Rostock - Honorary doctorate

1921-Princeton University - Honorary doctorate

1922-Nobel Foundation, Stockholm - Nobel Prize in Physics for the year 1921

1923-Order "Pour le mérite" - Admission to the order

1925-Royal Society of London - Copley Medal

1926-Royal Astronomical Society - Gold Medal

1929-German Physical Society - Max-Planck-Medal

1930-ETH (Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule), Zurich - Honorary doctorate

1931-Oxford University - Honorary doctorate

1935-Franklin Institute, Philadelphia - Benjamin Franklin Medal

1935 Harvard University Honorary doctorate

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Which prize is alternative to a Nobel Prize?

The Nobel Prizes are unique. There are other scholarly awards but there is not an alternative.

When was the Nobel Prize in Physics created?

The Nobel Prize in Physics was established in 1895 and first awarded in 1901. It and four other prizes were established in accordance with the will of chemist and philanthropist Alfred Nobel. The other prizes are in Chemistry, Literature, and Physiology or Medicine, and the Nobel Peace Prize.

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The Nobel Prize in Physics is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded annually since 1901. (The other 4 prizes are in Chemistry, Literature, and Physiology or Medicine, and the Nobel Peace Prize.)

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The 2011 Nobel Peace Prize is typically presented in December, along with the other Nobel Prizes.

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The University of Utah did not get the Nobel Peace Prize, nor did the University of Utah win any Nobel Prize. People win Nobel Prizes, not institutions, and the Peace Prize is only one of the several types of prizes given.Venkatraman Ramakrishnan won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with two other scientists for studies of the structure and function of the ribosome.

Who was the first scientist to win Nobel Prize twice?

Marie Curie, Physics 1903 & Chemistry 1911. 3 other individuals have won two Nobel Prizes. 1 organization, the UNHCR, has won two Nobel Prizes. The ICCR is the only recipient of 3 Nobel Prizes, all Nobel Peace Prizes.

Where is the Nobel prize awarded?

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in a ceremony on December 10 (the anniversary of Nobel's death) at the University of Oslo, Norway, in the presence of the King of Norway. With the exception of the Peace Prize, all other Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden.

To what country did Martin Luther King Jr travel to receive his Nobel Peace Prize?

Nobel Peace Prizes are awarded in Oslo, Norway. All other prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden.

Who came up with the idea of the Nobel Prize?

The Nobel Prize was established in 1895 by the Swedish chemist and inventor of dynamite Alfred Bernhard Nobel, therefore its name. It was first awarded for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace in 1901.The prizes are awarded by different associations. The Nobel Prize in Physics, Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences are awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine by the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet and the Nobel Prize in Literature by the Swedish Academy. Unlike the other prizes, the Nobel Peace Prize is not awarded by a Swedish organization, but by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.Source:

Do they give out the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo?

Yes, they do. All the other Nobel Prizes are given out in Sweden, but the Peace Price is given out in Norway.

What female scientist was the first to win two Nobel Science prizes?

Marie Curie She was the first women to win a Nobel prize. She was also the first person to win 2 Nobel prizes. And is the only person to have won a Nobel prize in 2 different sciences. Only four people have won 2 Nobel prizes. The other three are: Linus Pauling (chemistry + peace) John Bardeen (physics + physics) Frederick Sanger (chemistry + chemistry)

Why there is no novel price for math?

That is called "Nobel Prize". Pressumably, Mr. Nobel considered math less important than the areas in which he did specify prizes. However, there are other prestigious prizes in Math, like the Fields Medal.