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the cell is unable to maintain a stable internal environment.

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Q: What problem is a cell having if high concentration?
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What is the problem when cell expands and bursts because of high sodium ion around outside?

When the sodium ions are in higher concentration out side the cell, the cell shrinks. It does not expand and bursts. It can burst when the sodium ion concentration becomes very low, out side the cell.

Why should blood plasma have the same concentration as the blood cells?

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration through a selectively permeable membrane. If there is a high solute concentration outside the cell, water will leave body cells by osmosis - leading to plasmolysis (cell shrinking). If there is a high water concentration it will enter the cell by osmosis and the cell will burst.

The relative concentration of water in a hypotonic solution is?

Higher than the concentration of water inside the cell. This causes water to move into the cell, potentially leading to cell swelling or bursting.

What happens when the concentration of dissolved substances is greater outside the cell than inside?

Particles always move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Therefore, if the concentration of dissolved substances is greater outside the cell, they will travel into the cell until there is an equal concentration of the substance on both sides of the cell wall.

What would happen if you placed an artificial cell with 5M glucose in a beaker with pure water?

A solution which has a high concentration of a solute (example - glucose) will have a low water concentration. But when you look at pure water it has a high water concentration. So if a cell contains a high concentration of glucose and was placed in a pure water solution, water would simply move down its concentration gradient (going from high to low) which eventually causes the cell to swell. I hope this helped :D

Related questions

What is the problem when cell expands and bursts because of high sodium ion around outside?

When the sodium ions are in higher concentration out side the cell, the cell shrinks. It does not expand and bursts. It can burst when the sodium ion concentration becomes very low, out side the cell.

Why should blood plasma have the same concentration as the blood cells?

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration through a selectively permeable membrane. If there is a high solute concentration outside the cell, water will leave body cells by osmosis - leading to plasmolysis (cell shrinking). If there is a high water concentration it will enter the cell by osmosis and the cell will burst.

What is the movement of a liquid into a solution of high concentration?

water moves from a high concentration to a low concentration in a cell

How does the cell transport materials across the cell membrane?

a cell transports things across the cell membrane from areas of high concentration to ares of low concentration

What happens to a cell that is place in a hypertonic solution?

water will move from a high H2O concentration inside the cell, to a low H2O concentration outside the cell.

How do nutrients and pass into a cell?

Osmosis (when nutrients go from a high concentration of nutrients to a low concentration) and phagocytosis (when the cell actually eats it)

What if a cell has a lower concentration outside the cell?

If a cell has a lower concentration outside compared to inside, the cell is in a hypertonic environment. Water will tend to move out of the cell in an attempt to equalize the concentration, leading to potential cell shrinkage or dehydration.

What is the important of diffusion in the transport of solutes cell?

The concentration on the solute goes from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

What has high concentration in cell membrane?


What process moves material through a cell from area of low concentration to eras of high concentration?


What process moves materials through a cell from areas of low concentration of high concentration?

active transport

What process moves materials from a cell from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration?

Active transport