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There are four main differences between Christianity and JWs. The first is that JWs do not believe in Jesus as being Son of God. They twist the scriptural phrase "the only begotten Son of God" (John 1:14,18) claiming that Jesus was the "first and only being created directly by Jehovah. They also twist the Scriptural reference as Jesus being the "Word" (John 1:1,14) as meaning one who simply "speaks for Jehovah". The second is that they do not believe in the Trinity, as in Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each a part of the Godhead, each separate, and yet united. They do not believe that Jesus was born of a virgin,but that He was "formed" from an angel. JWs understand that we are saved by faith, through God's grace, but that they have an obligation to do works in order to have that salvation. This is in opposition to Christian beliefs, and goes against Scripture. The most important difference, and the one that would probably cause conflict in a relationship between a Christian and a JW would be that JWs believe that only their members will be saved when Jesus returns, and that Christians in particular will be annihilated.

--Former JW here, to set the record above, straight--

1. JWs actually do believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

2. True, they do not believe in the Trinity.

3. They actually do believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary. They differ with other religions in that they do not believe that Mary remained a virgin the rest of her life, since the Bible mentions Jesus' brothers and sisters being born to Joseph and Mary.

4. They do believe that only loyal Witnesses will be saved, but for some reason still insert they also do know who else will be saved. As far as they're concerned, you must be a Witness in "good standing with the congregation" to be saved by Jehovah. Otherwise, why work so hard to be a 'good Witness'?

Answer:Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians but their beliefs differ somewhat from most other denominations. These differences in belief and priorities may pose a problem for a couple "dating". For example, most people see no problem having sexual relations outside of marriage but one of Jehovah's Witnesses would no doubt refuse to do this. The time spend in worship, attending bible classes and preaching may also cause difficulties for the non-witnesses partner.

Although who an individual chooses to have friendships or even intimate relationships with is a personal choice, most people consider what they have in common before they chose a partner in order to avoid conflicts of interest and "problems" later on in the relationship.

Answer:I'm sorry but Jehovah's witnesses are told not to date until they are ready to marry.. and can only marry a fellow witness. Due to what it says in the Watch Tower.
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1st let us get a understanding of Christian. WorldHistory (by Heckel and Sigman, pages 237, 238) reports: "Christians refused to share certain duties of Roman citizens. The Christians . . . felt it a violation of their faith to enter military service. They would not hold political office. They would not worship the emperor." Regarding political and military controversies of their day, Jesus' disciples maintained strict neutrality. In the year 66 C.E. the Jews of the Roman province of Judea revolted against Caesar. The Roman army quickly surrounded Jerusalem. What did Christians in the city do? They remembered Jesus' counsel to stay neutral and to get out from between the warring armies. When the Roman army temporarily withdrew, the Christians seized the opportunity and fled across the Jordan River into the mountainous region of Pella. (Luke 21:20-24) In their neutrality they served as a faithful pattern for later Christians. Does the historical record show that any group in this "time of the end," since 1914 C.E., has pursued a course of Christian neutrality in imitation of those early Christians? Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses have done so. In all the earth they have kept busy preaching that God's Kingdom is the only means by which peace, prosperity and lasting happiness are possible for lovers of righteousness in all the earth. (Matt. 24:14) But with regard to controversies among the nations, they have maintained strict neutrality. In sharp contrast, the clergy of Christendom are very much involved in the political affairs of the world. There is another aspect of this "fruit" of the spirit, love. Jesus said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." (John 13:35) Many other scriptures show also that such love would be a clear identifying mark of God's true servants. For example: "The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Everyone who does not carry on righteousness does not originate with God, neither does he who does not love his brother. . . . we should have love for one another; not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother."-1 John 3:10-12. "If anyone makes the statement: 'I love God,' and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen."-1 John 4:20, 21.

What international group of people demonstrates this type of love for one another, not just by words, but by deeds? Over the past century, what group has refrained, in time of war, from slaughtering fellow believers of other nations, and from allowing racial, nationalistic, cultural or economic prejudices to come between them? What does the evidence show regarding this vital fruit of God's spirit, love? Who measure up? Where do we see a great crowd of people of all different nationalities and races united together in Jehovah's name to serve him loyally and to tell others about his kingdom? Yes, where do we find a genuine worldwide brotherhood bonded by love? (Rev. 7:9, 10; Col. 3:14) The religious publication Interpretation, in a chapter entitled "The Bible and Modern Religions, Jehovah's Witnesses," observes the following: "In their organization and witnessing work, they [Jehovah's Witnesses] come as close as any group to approximating the primitive Christian community. "Their aloofness from the world, urgency in witnessing, and imperviousness to the attacks of the world are such as come to those who firmly believe that they are among the elect and who have given their allegiance without reservation to God. "Few other groups make as extensive a use of Scripture in their messages, both oral and written, as they do. Few other groups get from what we call the laity as much service in carrying forward the work of the organization as they do." Now, Jehovah's Witness don't date unless they plan to marry. If they are dating it's with another christian whom is living according to God's standard. A matter of fact they won't even associate with wordly people. In plain language God's Word warns us not to be misled into thinking that we are so strong that bad associations will not corrupt us. That includes watching television programs that feature the lives of immoral people and looking at magazines that stimulate immoral desires. (1 Corinthians 10:11, 12; 15:33) Even association with fellow believers under wrong circumstances can lead to serious problems. The attraction between the sexes is strong. With loving concern Jehovah's organization has therefore cautioned against being alone and out of public view with someone of the opposite sex to whom we are not married or who is not a family member. In order to keep on walking with God, we need to shun the snare of self-confidence and heed the warning counsel that he gives us.-Psalm 85:8. However, there is a clear difference between being friendly toward a workmate and being that one's close companion. Here is where another Scriptural principle enters the picture. The Apostle Paul warned Christians: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers." (2 Corinthians 6:14) What is the meaning of the phrase "do not become unevenly yoked"? Some Bible translations render those words "do not team up," "do not try to work together as equals," or "stop forming inappropriate relationships." At what point does a relationship with a workmate become inappropriate? When does it cross the line and become an uneven yoking? God's Word, the Bible, can direct your step in this situation. Consider the example of Jesus, who from creation onward had a love for humans. (Proverbs 8:31) While on earth, he forged a close bond with his followers. (John 13:1) He even "felt love" for a man who was religiously misguided. (Mark 10:17-22) But Jesus also set clear boundaries regarding his choice of close companions. He formed no close ties with people who were not sincerely interested in doing his Father's will and the same is true for Jehovah's Witnesses. If the person is not interested in doing God's will a Witness has no bond with that person. Edit by WizardDevil: How scriptural or correct the above is is to be ascertained, however, a portion of this above article (Taken, presumably, from an article within a Watchtower publication, probably not the Watchtower magazine or Awake! but probably one of the books, although such is not known to this editor at the time) is incorrect. Jesus Christ most certainly did associate with people who were not 'sincerely interested in doing his Father's will'. One can just look at the account of Judas and understand this. One can claim that he needed to because it was prophecy that he would associate with Judas for he was to be betrayed - Well, then you can't say that he didn't associate with people who did not have a sincere interest in God. He most certainly did, prophecy or otherwise. And it was prophecy that he would be 'reckoned with lawless ones' (Luke 22:37). If the apostles were 'lawless' and the Septuagint was the law of the time, then we have to conclude that Jesus did associate with people who were not sincere about God. As to the rest, it is the Watchtower's position on the situation, but whether it is biblical or not is for other researchers.


Preaching to someone , and associating are two different things. I did get my answers from a book, rather than the "Watchtower". It's called the "Bible". Check it out, I left the scriptures for anyone can look it up and see where I got it from. Now, remember when you use to study, you may recall that Jesus hand picked his apostles. This include Judas. Did he pick him because he needed someone to betray him? No, Judas heart was in a good standing at the time. He didn't keep his focus on the kingdom and didn't keep on his new personality, which allowed him to become greedy. Greed is what cause Judas to turn Jesus in to hands of his enemy. Not fate. The minute that Jesus recognize that Judas did not want to follow God, Jesus dis-associated himself from Judas. Not until it was confirmed that he choose that route did Jesus stopped. This is a perfect example the good people can turn bad. How? It can happen by not applying the bible and living constantly by it. Read it! It helps, it really does. Those words in it is not for decorations, it's for directions. Note that this is not my words that say bad association spoils useful habits, and not to become unevenly yoke. It's the Bible that states this. In turn is inspired from God.

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13y ago

I dont think its possible to mix the two. whereas they share the same God, the two go about it in a totally different way, and both are required to be loyal to their own religion. not to mention holidays, going to different places of worship every sunday.

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Q: What problems arise when a christian dating Jehovah witness?
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That will be up to him and his parents. However, Jehovah's witnesses generally do not encourage dating for their very young teenage (or pre-teenage) members since they view dating as something to be engaged in by those old enough to seriously contemplate marraige. Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged to respect the bible mandate to marry only those that share their faith.

Can a Jehovah's witnesses date an atheist?

A true Jehovah's Witness would never date a non-Jehovah's Witness. JWs are taught that dating is for those who are ready for marriage. Marriage is a sacred bond that two like souls share and JWs only marry JWs or even date JWs because their lives revolve around what they are taught and when they date or marry a person who shares these same principles, ideals and beliefs it makes the relationship run extremely smooth and that much more enjoyable for both parties involved. For more information ask a Jehovah's Witness when you see them or go to your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness' and ask anyone for more information on the matter. I hope this helped and I hope you find your answer.:-)

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How do i meet my girlfriends parents if they are Jehovah's witness's were both 16 but how do we get her parents to be ok with us dating so young for a jehovahs witness?

actually depends how they react because my booyfriend is a blood nd he does alot of bad stuff but im 14 hes 17 nd my mom lets us date she's a jehovahs witness. so really it depends on how spiritual they are You just don't it's better if you find someone that is not a Jehovah's witness. That would be better for you. You just don't it's better if you find someone that is not a Jehovah's witness. That would be better for you. HOnestly, If really love her, wait until your both graduated to get together with her and try going to their meetings and be interested! the parents will like you then! EDIT: if i were you, i would post pone meeting her parents until she is 18. right now, she isn't supposed to be dating any one, due to the fact that Jehovah's witnesses do not date. we carry on a courtship, which means that we have every intent to marry the person. meeting the parents now is not a good idea. you will get her in trouble.

Jehovah's Witness dating guidelines?

Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged to date with the intention of marriage. They avoid casual dating and prioritize finding a partner who shares their beliefs and values. Physical intimacy outside of marriage is strongly discouraged, and individuals are encouraged to maintain personal boundaries and uphold high moral standards while dating.

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"Yes Christian dating services do exist. There are many different dating websites out there that aren't advertised as Christian, and there are also Christian services that are proud."

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