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A:In Matthew's Gospel, Mary and Joseph faced danger from King Herod, who sought to have Jesus killed. They took the baby Jesus from their home in Bethlehem to Egypt. After Herod died, they began the return journey to Bethlehem, but were warned in a dream that Archelaus, Herod's son and successor as king of Judea, was still a danger to Jesus. They therefore turned aside and travelled to start a new home in the city of Nazareth in Galilee, out of reach of Archelaus.

In Luke's Gospel, Mary and Joseph faced the inconvenience of travelling from their home in Nazareth for a census in Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. As they faced no danger from Herod, they journeyed from Bethlehem to Jerusalem a few days after the birth of Jesus, to present him at the Temple. They then returned peacefully to their home in Nazareth.

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Joseph and Mary faced challenges such as the stigma surrounding Mary's pregnancy out of wedlock, the difficult journey to Bethlehem for the census while Mary was pregnant, finding a place to stay for the birth of Jesus, and fleeing to Egypt to escape King Herod's order to kill all male babies.

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Was jesus king herods son and was his mother herods daughter?

No, Jesus was not King Herod's son. Jesus' mother was Mary, who was not related to Herod. Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph, and Herod the Great was the ruler of Judea at the time of Jesus' birth.

Who are Joseph and Mary?

Joseph and Mary are known as the earthly parents of Jesus in Christian tradition. Joseph is described as a carpenter or craftsman, while Mary is revered as the mother of Jesus who conceived him through the Holy Spirit. Both figures play central roles in the nativity story and are considered important figures in Christianity.

Who was St. Joseph and what did he do?

St. Joseph was the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus, in Christian tradition. He was a carpenter and known for his obedience to God, caring for and protecting Jesus and Mary. St. Joseph is considered the patron saint of fathers, workers, and the universal Church.

What are the differences between Mother Mary and Mary Mackillop?

Mother Mary is a central figure in Christianity as the mother of Jesus Christ, while Mary Mackillop was an Australian nun who founded the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart. Mother Mary is a figure of veneration in Catholicism, while Mary Mackillop is recognized as a saint in the Catholic Church for her work in education and social welfare in Australia.

What was the name of the man jesus mother was engaged to at the time she became pregnant?

The man's name was Joseph. He is recognized in Christian tradition as the husband of Mary and the earthly father of Jesus.

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Who were merry and Joseph?

Mary and Joseph were the parents to Jesus Mary was the mother though but Joseph treated Jesus like his own child

Who were the parents of Jesus' mother?

Joseph and Mary

Were Mary and Joseph Jesus's real parents?

Mary was Jesus's real mother; she bore him into the world. But Joseph was in a way not the father. For God put baby Jesus in Mary's womb; Joseph was Mary's wife and the father to bringing up Jesus.

When was Mary mother of Jesus birthday?

Mary & Joseph Was Sent by Jesus to be his mom and dad Jesus lives forever

Was Mary jesus mother a prostetute?

No, Mary the mother of Jesus was a virgin and remaind so until after the birth of Jesus. It is supposed that Mary and Joseph had children (unless you are a Catholic, which do not believe that.) Mary was not a prostitute.

What was Jesus's parents name?

According to Christian tradition: Jesus was the son of God. Mary was the woman who carried him in her womb, to be his mother, whether she was his bioloigical mother or just a surrogate is debated. Mary's husband's name was Joseph, but he was not Jesus's biological father as he and Mary never had sex until after Jesus was born.

Who was with baby Jesus?

Mary is mother and Joseph his step-father who had married His mother.

Who was the foster father of Jesus?

Joseph, the husband of Mary His mother.

Who was of the house of david and engaged to Mary?

This was Joseph of Nazareth, a carpenter, who married Jesus' mother Mary after her conception with Jesus.

Was there any blood relationship between Joseph and Mary and Jesus?

With Joseph, no as he was a step-father. Yes, with Mary who bore Him as His mother.

Who are Jesus' relatives?

Jesus' mother was named Mary, his cousin was John,the Baptist, and John's mother was named Elisabeth. Jesus' earthly father was named Joseph. Joseph was a carpenter.

Parents of Jesus?

Mary the virgin mother (The Madonna) Joseph the carpenter