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poor people wanted new leaders who could provide them with a better life. also, sharing power within an Oligarchy was difficult. Ambitious aristocrats struggled to become the sole ruler of their city-state.

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Q: What problems did oligarchies face in Greece?
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What problems did oligarchies face in Greek city-state?

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What was the government of Greek called?

Greece began by having monarchies, then oligarchies, then tyrannies and then democracies. The Greek Government is currently a democracy, but modern democracy finds it's roots in ancient Greece.

How was the ruler of ancient Greece called?

there was no true ruler of all of Greece because a lot of the city states had different governments so they had democracies, monarchies, and oligarchies.

What are some oligarchies?

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What countries have the oligraphic countries?

Oligraphic is not a word. Perhaps you mean oligarch countries, which are countries that have an oligarchy. An oligarchy is rule by a select few individuals (of which are most likely the most wealthy). No countries today are oligarchies. Oligarchies were present in Ancient Greece.

Who was the descision maker in ancient Greece?

In democracies, the assembly of the people. of the city-state In oligarchies, the council of the city-state. In tyrannies, the tyrant. In monarchies, the king.

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Greece is having financial problems.

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Greece is having financial problems.

Is ancient Greece a democratic society?

Ancient Greece did not necessarily exist as one country. There were many cities within Greece that governed themselves based on different governments. The Athenians did have a democracy, but the Spartan's government was militaristic. There were also monarchies, oligarchies and several other types of government.

How did the government in ancient Greece devolop?

As each city developed on its own patch of land, it established its own form of government. This developed from petty kings, to oligarchies, to tyrannies, to democracies, and beck to oligarchies, then kingdoms under Alexander the Great's successor-generals, then as cities and provinces part of the Roman Empire.

Are there any countries today that could be oligarchies if so what are the names of them?

No there are no oligarchies in this present day.

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