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Q: What problems did the mayans have with their hieroglyphs?
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Related questions

How did Mayans communicate?

The mayans had a writing called the hieroglyphs.

Who used ancient hieroglyphs?

The most known are the Egyptians. Other civilizations used them like the Mayans.

Did the Mayans believe in an afterlife?

Yes, they did. it is described in their hieroglyphs that have been only partly deciphered.

Did Egyptians copy hiroglificks from the Mayans?

first of all, what the hell are hiroglificks? if you mean hieroglyphs, then no. the Mayans lived in Mexico thousands of years after the Egyptians died out. unless you believe doctor who is real, then the Egyptians couldn't possibly have copied them.

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what problems did mayans face when building el castillo

How did ancient Mayans meet their social needs?

The women would usually cook and for sports and entertainment, people played and watched the ancient ball game. They're written language was hieroglyphs.

What are hyroglyphics?

Hieroglyphics are symbols used for ancient writing. Hieroglyphics represents whole words or thoughts, rather than individual sounds. Many ancient cultures used hieroglyphs including the Mayans and Egyptians.

Did the olmec conquer Mayan?

No, not they we know of. The Olmec were a mesoamerican civilization that developed well before the mayans developed. At the time of the height of the Olmec civilization, the mayans were still a relatively primitive group of tribes. They may have interacted, and the Olmec might have taken advantage of them, but the Classical Maya (those with pyramids, hieroglyphs, and calendar), had no interasction with the olmec.

Did the Mayan's write in hierolglyphics?

Mayans wrote in hieroglyphs for the same reason we write in English or other languages. The Mayans had their own system and symbols that mean different things. And a series of symbols in an order mean a different thing. it wasn't until the Spanish went their a one man sat down with one of the Mayans and got him to translate a few symbols that the rest of the world was able to start to deciphers what they were writing I hope this helps

How do you spell hyrogliffs?

The correct spelling is "hieroglyphs".

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What is the plural of hieroglyphs?

Hieroglyphs is already plural. The singular is hieroglyph.