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Q: What problems did the south faced in the civil war?
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What were the problems faced after the civil war?

Reconstructing the south

What problems faced the south at the end of the civil war?

Vast stretches of the south lay in ruins

What faced the north after the civil war?

The north faced reconciliation with the south.

What was one reason the South faced server economic problems during the Civil War?

The Union naval blockade prevented them from exporting their plentiful cotton.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the problems faced by the South during the Civil War?

Although no example statements are given, there are a large number of problems that faced the South during the US Civil War, and they are well known Here are two major problems. Firstly the South's army was quite limited in potential size because of its low population. Secondly, the South lacked the manufacturing base and rail system to create products and transport them. The South also lacked a good navy.

What was primarily a political challenge that the US faced after the Civil War?

The challenge facing the United States after the US Civil War was awesome. The political problems of reconstructing the Union were based on radical Republicans who wanted to place all blame for the Civil War on the South. This was very political as the radical Republicans wanted to make the rebellious South "pay" for this horrible war that devastated the nation.

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Ethnic Conflict, Pollution & Civil War.

What were the problems facing the south after the civil war?

hunger, money problems, crime, they afermath of th war was almost as bad as the war itself.

What are some hardships that Clara Barton faced in her lifetime?

Medical problems and suffering from exhaustion as a Civil War Nurse.

What political problems faced the US at the end of the Civil War?

One major problem faced by the US after the US Civil War was the reintegration of southern sympathizers into society. There was still many who believed the secession from the United States was the right thing to do.

What were some of the challenges which faced our country's leaders from colonial times to the Civil War?

Some of the challenges that faced our country's leaders from the colonial times to the civil war include debts and taxes, foreign issues, governance problems and military rebellion.

Problems the NOrth faced in the Civil War?

As in any war, even the victorious side has problems. The North had its share of them and one such problem involved conscription. Prior to the US Civil War the US never had to draft soldiers. In 1863 the US Congress set forth laws allowing the War Department to draft soldiers. This was one year after the South created its own draft laws.