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melting the ice for freshwater would destroy the habitats of animals, and increase the global temperature, causing more hurricanes and killling other species of life too

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Q: What problems would come from melting icebergs for freshwater?
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What would happen if the icebergs melt?

Not much. Icebergs are already floating in the oceans, so any melting will not raise sea levels. Melting icebergs add fresh water to the oceans, but this will only matter if huge amounts of ice melt.

Is snow made from fresh water?

I should think it would be made of salt water since the icebergs I have heard of are all in the ocean. They are pure water as they are created from glaciers and since glacier ice is formed from falling snow and snow results from condensed water vapor in the atmosphere, the water from icebergs is quite pure.

What evidence is there that catastrophic Man Made Global Warming is going to destroy us and the planet?

isn't it true that the icebergs are melting ? now imagine if all of them melted would not that mean that the ocean will over flow. this means that the ocean might flow on to the land that can cause major floods that is horrible people might even die

How can you use icebergs and glaciers for human water consumption?

People don't use icebergs because there is no practical way of taking their water. Additionally, icebergs don't float past any major population centers, and it's not as if piping that water (if it could be captured and melted) hundreds or thousands of miles would be your best options.Glaciers absolutely are used for consumption because, aside from the polar ice sheets, they are located high in the mountains where they simply need to melt in the summer to provide water for people below. Parts of the West (in the U.S.) rely heavily on glaciers from the Sierra Nevada, and hundreds of millions of people in south-central Asia get water from melting Himalayan glaciers.

Is a freshwater mollusk a carnivore herbivore or omnivore?

it would be a carnivore

Related questions

What would happen if the icebergs started melting?

Icebergs are already melting, but they only add very slightly to sea level rise (Icebergs are fresh water, which is slightly less dense than sea water).

What would happen if the icebergs melt?

Not much. Icebergs are already floating in the oceans, so any melting will not raise sea levels. Melting icebergs add fresh water to the oceans, but this will only matter if huge amounts of ice melt.

Why would melting icebergs raise ocean levels since floating ice cubes do not raise water levels when they melt?

u got a point there dude

What is the difference between polar ice caps and icebergs?

Melting ice caps is ice on land. When it melts it raises the sea levels. This is threatening coastal cities and croplands with permanent flooding.Melting icebergs are already in the sea. Their melting does not raise sea levels one millimeter.This is why there is more concern about melting ice caps.The significant melting of ice is important whatever the source of ice because if nothing else this changes the salinity of ocean waters. This can have major effects on the flow of ocean currents and on the exchange of heat/energy between ocean waters and atmosphere. This would also have many effects on various delicate marine ecosystems all over the globe. Regarding what seems to be the point of the above question, the distinction to make is between the melting of ice that is resting on land and the melting of ice that is formed and remains on the water. Any ice that is formed on and is floating freely in water will not make sea levels rise when it melts, because the ice can displace no more ocean water than the weight of the water in the berg itself. But the melting of ice that is resting on land (or the movement of ice cover from land to sea) can and will make sea levels rise, because it is water that had not previously been part of the earth's ocean waters. So while the melting of all the ice at the north pole would have many devastating effects, this melting would not contribute to the rise in sea levels across the globe. However, the melting of ice in places like Greenland and Antarctica (where the ice is resting on land) will cause increases in sea levels.

Why would you find icebergs near the desert?

Antarctica is a desert, the largest desert on earth, and has many icebergs surrounding it.

What if icebergs were to melt what would happen to the sea level?

Icebergs melting have no effect at all on sea levels. Ice bergs are floating ice. Floating ice displaces exactly the same volume of water as the ice itself will have when it melts, and therefore total volume does not change as ice melts. A simple experiment in your own kitchen will verify this fact.

What causes salt water and fresh water to mix in the ocean?

Freshwater rivers meet the salty sea, and brine is formed as the two are agitated by currents, tides, and wind. Diffusion causes the two to mix to achieve equilibrium of salt concentration.

Where would you find icebergs?

You would easily find them in the North and South pole.

Of the four major oceans which one would have icebergs?

arctic sea

What is a freshwater relative of a lobster?

A freshwater "relative" of the lobster would be the crayfish.

What is a freshwater relatives of the lobster?

A freshwater "relative" of the lobster would be the crayfish.

If I am just starting out would a freshwater or saltwater aquarium be best for me?

Freshwater aquariums are much easier to take care of. The fish also cost less, so if you have some problems you're not flushing too much money down the toilet (literally).