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I think it's "conjugation". pretty soon mrs. pitt's entire exam review is going to be up here!

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transduction is the process

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Q: What process brings about an exchange of genetic information between bacterial cells?
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What procces brings about an exchang of genetic information between bacterial cells?

This is the process of conjugation.

What is the genetic exchange through pili termed?

bacterial conjugation. you're welcome.

Crossing over involves the exchange of genetic information between what?

Non sister chromatids

Exchange of genetic information that occurs from one bacterium to another through a hollow bridge?

The three forms of bacterial DNA exchange are (1) TRANSFORMATION, (2) CONJUGATION and (3) TRANSDUCTION.

What is the main factor that leads to speciation between two populations?

Lack of exchange of genetic information.

What are the two major mechanisms by which bacterial populations generate genetic diversity?

gene exchange and mutation :)

Where is the genetic information chromosome of a bacterium found?

The bacterial cell has a circular DNA molecule in the cytoplasm. That is where all the genetic information is located.

What is the intentional alteration or transfer of genetic material called?

The transfer of genetic information is called conjugation. It involves transfer of genetic information from one bacterial cell to another, and requires physical contact between the two bacteria involved.

What transfers genetic information from one bacterial cells to another?

A sex pilus

Where is the genetic chromosome of a bacterium found?

The bacterial cell has a circular DNA molecule in the cytoplasm. That is where all the genetic information is located.

Bacterial cells do not have a genetic material?

no, bacterial cells do not have genetic material

Do chromosomes contain the genetic information of the bacterial cell?

Yes, chromosomes (the DNA) contain the genetic blueprints for all cells.