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Q: What process exchanges O2 and CO2?
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System that exchanges o2 and co2 between blood and air?

The body system that exchanges o2 and co2 between blood and air is called the respiratory system. It is composed of the nose, windpipe, and lungs. It;s in the lungs that the exchange takes place.

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What two gases are used in the breathing process?

O2 and CO2

What exchanges gases between the plant and the atmosphere during photosynthesis?

CO2 is taken in by the plants from the atmosphere and O2 is released during photosynthesis.

What are synonyms of respiration?

Breathe, airing, panting, oxygenating, ventilation, and inhalation are synonyms for respiration. Cellular respiration is when a cell exchanges O2 and CO2.

What material separates CO2 from O?

CO2 and O2 can exist side by side in, for example, the atmosphere. CO2 is a product of combustion between carbon and oxygen which produces heat as well. O2 is separated from CO2 in plants by the process of photosynthesis.

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How do plants purify the air and what is the process named?

they take CO2 in and release O2, and the process is called photosynthesis

Why does blood enter the lungs?

they enter the lungs in order to obtain oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. this process occurs in the alveolus of the lungs by diffusion.

Can photosynthesis release oxygen?

Yes, the process of photosynthesis releases the O2 (oxygen) in CO2.

What is chemical equation process of the photosynthesis?


What is a chemical equation which summarize the process for which oxygen is required in living cells?

co2 +o2 =